This page is more like a list to keep track of the titles I have both in physical and digital formats. It’s to help me keep track of them. I’m starting it as I embark to learn more about website development on a more serious level so it will have a lot of my school stuff. It will though also have books I track for other projects such as the Travel Literature and enrichment volumes I acquired while employed at Goodwill Easter-Seals of Minnesota. I’m generating reviews and bullet lists of elements in most of them and will be double checking. These were generated using the paid version of OpenAI’s ChatGPT.
- CSS3 in easy steps
- JavaScript in easy steps, 6th edition
- PHP 7 in easy steps
- Python Practice Makes a Master: 120 ‘Real World’ Python Exercises with more than 220 Concepts Explained
- Rust Crash Course: Build High-Performance, Efficient and Productive Software with the Power of Next-Generation Programming Skills (English Edition)
- BASIC SOLIDITY FOR DEGENS: An Uncensored Programming Guide for Blockchain Badassery
- Visual Basic in easy steps, 6th edition: Updated for Visual Basic 2019